You’ve been visited by the good lift beagle. You will be blessed with heavy strong lifts but only if you comment good form pupperComment on this meme:Comments appear on our site once they are reviewed (usually it takes up to 1 hour).Your name E-mail 6 comments to “You’ve been visited by the good lift beagle. You will be blessed with heavy strong lifts but only if you comment good form pupper”?good form, pupperProvided they Are practicing it themselves. Otherwise ‘good form pupper’ would be reinforcing bad form.good form pupperGood form puppergood form pupperGood Form, pupper.
Provided they Are practicing it themselves. Otherwise ‘good form pupper’ would be reinforcing bad form.
good form, pupper
Provided they Are practicing it themselves. Otherwise ‘good form pupper’ would be reinforcing bad form.
good form pupper
Good form pupper
good form pupper
Good Form, pupper.