In Japan seriously ill teacher knew he’s going to die, he gave an assignment his students could never forget. The last assignment: “please be happy”

In Japan seriously ill teacher knew he’s going to die, he gave an assignment his students could never forget. The last assignment: “please be happy”

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One comment to “In Japan seriously ill teacher knew he’s going to die, he gave an assignment his students could never forget. The last assignment: “please be happy””?

  1. if this was in the time before anything was computerized, this would have been a letter from the teacher that was to be sent to each of his students…

Meme about assignment, deadline, happy, japan, story, student, students, studying, teacher, picture related to “please, happy”, assignment: and he’s, and belongs to categories health, inspiring, school, stories, temporary, trivia, etc. Please comment & share if you like it!
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