Imagine a world without white people dirty ugly mess

Imagine a world without white people dirty ugly mess

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6 comments to “Imagine a world without white people dirty ugly mess”?

  1. China gave most technology to World. White people stole it from maths, gunpowder, contstruction, medicine to pasta (noodles stole from Marco Polo)
    So this is world without Chinese influence.

  2. Racist – true. But, come on, time to get a move on. Innovate! Build! Then innovate some more! And then build even more!

  3. The link between skin color and poverty is wrong. Other factors come into play and poverty is also found among white populations.

Meme about imagine, literally, white, white people, world, picture related to without, imagine, people and dirty, and belongs to categories dark humor, memes, silly, social, trolling, etc. Please comment & share if you like it!
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