Are you winning dad? Black father home abuse drawing

Are you winning dad? Black father home abuse drawing

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7 comments to “Are you winning dad? Black father home abuse drawing”?

  1. ooga booga smack a bitch
    ooga booga we wuz kangz we waz rich
    ooga booga we iz high iq nigs
    ooga booga get me da welfares n shiietttt

  2. Haha so so so true.
    I dont have any sympathy for any white or asian women who choose a shitskin or a sandni##er. You get what you deserve bitch!

  3. I hate shitskins.
    Choose a white man or choose suffering.
    I saw a white woman get bashed by an Abo. Guess it was worth it to have a low IQ turd baby LMAO

  4. Not gonna lie but it more or less serves her right. If you consider these @pes so “sexy” then you may as well get the full experience. Poetic justice for trying to be cool, and all that.

  5. LOL I know so many White and now East Asian women in this situation. One you go black you’re gonna get smacked

Meme about abuse, dad, father, winning, picture related to winning, drawing, father and abuse, and belongs to categories dark humor, family, illustrations, kids, memes, questions, relationships, silly, etc. Please comment & share if you like it!
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