Eight pills one is poisonous and weights slightly more how can you find poisoned pill?

Eight pills one is poisonous and weights slightly more how can you find poisoned pill?

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2 comments to “Eight pills one is poisonous and weights slightly more how can you find poisoned pill?”?

  1. weigh two groups of three pills each
    if they weigh the same, the poison pill is in the group not yet weighed
    If they weigh different, whichever pan has the heavier load of 3 pills contains the poison pill

    Once you know which of the three groups has the poison pill:
    Weigh two pills from that group
    If they weigh the same, the poison pill is the one not being weighed
    If they weigh different, the heavier pan has the poison pill

Meme about pill, pills, poison, poisonous, riddle, scale, picture related to poisonous, poisoned, slightly and weights, and belongs to categories questions, riddles, temporary, etc. Please comment & share if you like it!
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